AWS held their Santa Clara Summit last week. If you weren’t able to attend, here are the highlights:
Satheesh Ravala presents at the Keynote
Satheesh Ravala, SVP Cloud Engineering and Operations at Ellie Mae, was one of the customers to present at the keynote. As many of you know, Ellie Mae is a valued customer of Foghorn’s so it was great to see the hard work we’ve done alongside our customer be recognized. Great presentation Satheesh!
Advanced Request Routing for AWS Application Load Balancers
Amazon announced some new features for ALB that were previously only available by using 3rd party load balancing appliances, like F5 or Nginx. With these additional features, expect more customers migrating to the cloud from datacenters to be able to make the jump straight to ALB. Read more here:
AWS Announces App Mesh
As microservices profilerate and are hosted in various forms of infrastructure, including container based infrastructure, the need to discovery and manage these endpoints grows. Amazon announced App Mesh, a service mesh offering based on the Envoy open source project. Looking forward to sharing our thoughts on this, and comparing to alternatives like Hashi Corp’s Consul and Istio on Kubernetes.
ML just got a little easier to get started
Amazon released new containers for Deep Learning to give a jump start to those getting ready to take a plunge into Machine Learning.
Redshift gets dynamic scaling
Amazon announced concurrency scaling for Redshift, which sounds a lot like autoscaling. Names aside, this is a welcome feature for a service that has otherwise been pretty traditional in architecture, with ‘pay for what you provision’, instead of ‘pay for what you use’.
Intel gets more competition with AMD processor options
Looks like the options continue to grow, which should be great competitive pressure to make sure we are getting the best bang for the buck with our processing $$. New AMD offerings are a bit cheaper, it will be interesting to see if they can keep up with the intel versions at a 10% discount.
Glacier goes uber cheap
Glacier gets a new service tier, which sounds a lot like the original Glacier, with incredibly slow restore times. Why would you want that? It’s all about stashing away data that hopefully you’ll never need, but for compliance or other reasons you sort of have to keep. And at a price of about $1 / TB / Month, you can pretty much keep everything… forever.
The Cloud Pod Covers the Summit
If you want to hear the Cloud Pod version, which is probably much better since it also includes opinions on these announcements from my co-hosts Justin and Jonathan, as well as guest speaker Chris Short of devopsish fame, check it out!