Welcome to Foghorn Consulting’s blog. We have been in business for many years helping customers solve business problems with IT initiatives and leading those initiatives to successful completion. Through this journey, we’ve learned a lot about how to run successful IT projects. We have also heard the horror stories about failed projects, and read many articles, blogs, and studies that document the high percentage of IT projects that fail, the enormous cost of those failed projects, and many of the most common causes of failure. Although we can summarize and share those findings, there is plenty of material out there (just google “IT project failure”.) Instead, we have decided to begin to share with our readers the patterns of success that we follow. We are by no means superheros, however customers are always impressed with our success rate (far higher than industry statistics). So instead of focusing on what not to do, we will focus on what we should do in order to maximize our chance of success. We hope you are able to increase your success rate by applying some of these suggestions.
We will also share our thoughts and opinions on services and technologies that are directly associated with our areas of excellence, which you can find in the services section of our web site. Please share with us your thoughts via comments, or call or email us any time. We wish you a successful 2013 in all your ventures!