Enter SpendAgility™
At Foghorn/ Evoque with our cloud and data center expertise, we asked a question. Wouldn’t it be great if our clients could have the flexibility to choose, move, and migrate their applications seamlessly from data center to cloud? Or in some cases, repatriate back to a data center. Enter our SpendAgility strategy.
With industry leading flexibility, SpendAgility is characterized by its application-first approach. It is unique to Evoque. The old ways of spinning up infrastructure in the default environment left end users locked-in this default. When you built an application you’d just throw it on the current environment. Now with SpendAgility, Evoque customers have a flexible IT infrastructure provider who will let you choose where to host applications based on the application architecture.

The strategy is quite simple: let your application sit on the best suited infrastructure. Some workloads are staying in an Evoque data center based on application architecture while others are moving or already running in public clouds. They’re effectively taking advantage of the benefits on both sides.
Delivering SpendAgility™
Putting the application-first strategy into play is made possible by our contract mechanism SpendAgility. With this new program, you’re free to move your spend to the infrastructure, connectivity, or Foghorn professional services agreement where it’s most needed.
The old way wasn’t flexible and locked you into an infrastructure, or left you with unused data center floor space.
The new way with SpendAgility allows you to:
- Address the needs of the business.
- Move your workloads between an Evoque data center, AWS, Azure, GCP, Foghorn services like FogOps, connectivity through Megaport.
- Avoid infrastructure lock-in.
- Get more value for your IT budget.
- Flexibility to move when you want, not when the contract ends.
- Utilize Foghorn engineering and funding programs for cloud migrations.
Want more info? Drop me a note (keith@foghornconsulting.com) or contact a Foghorn expert today.