When it comes to migrating your applications to the cloud it is recommended that businesses rely on the expertise of specialists to avoid transitional mistakes that can become costly in many ways.
Foghorn’s A-R-M strategy is an acronym that encompasses several different phases for each letter, including:
- The “3 As”: Analyze, Augment, Align
- The “5 Rs”: Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, Rebuild, Replace
- The “3 Ms”: Migrate, Monitor, Motivate
In each part of the cloud migration journey steps must be followed to motivate stakeholders, take your applications from initial analysis, to dazzling end users, and continuing to evolve after migration.
Foghorn’s whitepaper, “ARM Strategy for Optimized AWS Migration” explains how their strategic methods remove any guesswork from migration, empowering companies to build sustainable infrastructures as they move from legacy systems to the cutting edge.

ARM Strategy for Optimized AWS Migration
Framework to maximize and minimize costs before, during and after migrating to the cloud.
Foghorn is dedicated to exceeding industry standards for best practices, as shown through their AWS DevOps Competency and AWS Security Competency certifications. Their willingness to partner with Amazon for comprehensive insight is a boon for each of their clients.
As AWS MAP MAP (migration acceleration program) partners Foghorn can secure funding for migrations to AWS!