The Cloud Pod Masquerades With GKE Autopilot – Episode #172 in Summary

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172 autopilot

The Cloud Pod is hosted by big cloud enthusiasts with big opinions… And that’s why we love them! This weekly podcast is your one-stop-shop for all things cloud news. Sharing this week’s headlines and everything in between, check out what The Cloud Pod hosts are honing in on this week from AWS, GCP and Azure.

Latest Cloud News - AWS Logo

*Cricket* *cricket*… Things are oddly quiet at AWS!

Latest Cloud News - GCP Logo

Google announces Apigee Advanced API Security to help protect against increased attacks and traffic volumes. Our hosts warn users of the unexpected consequences of the bot-detection features. Managed Service for Prometheus now allows you to monitor your cloud metrics in the same platform! According to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, 86% of native users use Prometheus so PromQL is expected to be a huge hit. We’ll see about that. It’s also worth noting that GKE Autopilot’s new IP masquerading and eBPF network features are now generally available. Lastly, the Google Cloud has been on the move  just hovered over France. Now introducing the newest region in Paris, France.

Latest Cloud News - Azure Logo

Microsoft’s cloud service shortage continues, proving not as  “temporary” as claimed. Over two years later, Azure is still operating with limited server capacity and blaming the shortage on things such as Covid, the global chip shortage, an influx of Teams users and more. Cloud Pod hosts believe Microsoft should have been able to solve their shortage issues by now. A + B = Azure? A recent article by Microsoft has stirred up some big opinions regarding Azure’s recommendations for your applications! Read the latest e-book at your own risk.

This week’s episode summary brought to you by my laptop since my phone shut off due to high temperatures. Hello, summer!

The Reinvention of Amazon Bedrock

The Reinvention of Amazon Bedrock

Amazon Bedrock is a sophisticated and fully managed service provided by AWS, designed to facilitate the development and scaling of generative AI applications. Some key improvements have been launched at AWS Re:Invent this week. We’ll dive deeper into those later....