Reliable Disaster Recovery By Foghorn Consulting
Ensure business continuity with GCP.
Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS).
DRaaS solutions tailored to your needs.

Speak with a GCP
DRaaS Expert Today
No matter how sophisticated your business security measures are, the threat of catastrophic failure looms over any system that is dependent on moving parts to function. The term ‘disaster’ evokes images of earthquakes destroying server farms or city-wide blackouts, but it can apply to any incident that leads to crippling data loss and/or significant system downtimes.
Disaster recovery creates contingencies for such an event through various means like redundancy, backups, and restoration procedures. For cloud-based systems, this security often presents in the form of Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS), which is the same concept, except the Disaster Recovery is provided remotely by a third party. In this case the third party is Google Cloud Platform (GCP), one of the top cloud service providers, and the experts at creating ideal setups reside here at Foghorn Consulting.

Why Do I Need GCP Disaster Recovery?

Qualifying Disaster Recovery’s value is really a matter of understanding what could happen without it. A lack of GCP Disaster Recovery can lead to two major challenges, and all the implications that follow, including the critical loss of business that leads to bankruptcy:
Data Loss Understandably, consumers who trust businesses with their information aren’t too forgiving when this data gets compromised. More than just a breach of trust and damaged reputation, data loss can also lead to liability when financial data is in play.
GCP Disaster Recovery Options
These are the DR options available to GCP setups, which we will always consider as part of your Disaster Recovery Plan:

Global Availability
Google’s ubiquitous presence means there are many options available to create redundancy.

GCP allows for multiple storage locations in multiple locations, making critical data less susceptible to catastrophic loss.

The unparalleled elasticity of GCP translates into systems that can withstand exponential spikes in traffic without faltering.

The same measures that have kept platforms like GMail and Google Drive safe for years apply to the Google Cloud Platform.
Why Use Foghorn Consulting For GCP Disaster Recovery?
Our knowledge of Google Cloud Platform has led to many successful partnerships with household names. An initial knowledge of GCP extends to DRaaS, either through a combination of Google’s built-in resources or hybrid solutions that employ third-party software.
Foghorn Consulting brings countless hours of GCP experience to the table, with just as many instances in disaster recovery. We’ve continued education in all parts of data preservation, passing this knowledge to our clients with cost-effective solutions that protect any system against the worst-case scenario.

Contact a GCP Disaster Recovery Expert Today
An in-depth discussion will be necessary for us to ascertain the specific disaster recovery needs of your company. Fortunately, we have actual experts standing by to answer any inquiries, and provide you with the blueprint for our DR services before we dive deeper into specifics. To inquire further about Disaster Recovery with the Google Cloud Platform, feel free to speak to an expert at the button below.
Foghorn guides companies toward application designs that maximize existing infrastructure and the benefits of the cloud.