Optimize AWS Workloads
with AWS Well-Architected
Framework Reviews
Ensure your cloud infrastructure is secure
and follows AWS best practices

Incentives AWS is currently offering up to $5,000 in credits for approved Well-Architected Review remediation activities performed by Foghorn. The only thing you have to lose is security vulnerabilities, inefficient performance, and underutilized resources.
The Well-Architected Framework Review Process
As an AWS Well-Architected Practitioner Foghorn Consulting is able to execute WAF reviews and help build strategies to help you compare your workload against AWS best practices, and obtain guidance to produce stable and efficient systems so you can focus on innovation and business growth.

Educational Session on Well Architected Principles and Benefits

Workshop to document current architecture and operations practices

AWS report of critical, high to medium priority remediation opportunities

Optionally, Foghorn can remediate prioritized items

Educational Session on Well Architected Principles and Benefits



Complimentary Well-Architected Framework Reviews
Foghorn can analyze your cloud to enhance performance and security, while slashing costs!
Based on AWS’ 6 Pillars, our AWS WAFR Certified Engineers Will Identify Areas of Improvement in:

Operational Excellence
Armed with deep industry experience and AWS’s DevOps Competency, Foghorn begins the review process by analyzing the client’s ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value and support business outcomes. Our end goal from this part of the WAF is to identify opportunities to further integrate operations into the DevOps mission to continually improve supporting processes and procedures.
Perform operations as code
Annotate documentation
Make frequent, reversible changes
Refine operations procedures
Anticipate failure
Learn from all operational failures

From IAM to incident response, organizations following AWS’s Shared Responsibility Model and security best practices are protected.
With AWS’s Security Competency Foghorn’s certified Engineers know security best practices across verticals. A security evaluation validates the tools and techniques used to secure a client’s AWS infrastructure to prevent financial and reputation loss while realizing compliance.
Implement a strong ID foundation
Enable traceability
Apply security at all layers
Automate security best practices
Protect data in transit and at rest
Prepare for security events

With a well-planned foundation and monitoring in place, an organization can handle demand spikes and all system requirements. Foghorn’s Engineers study the client’s AWS environment to guarantee it can detect failure and automatically heal itself. Resilient designs based on best practices can recover from infrastructure or service disruptions, dynamically acquire computing resources to meet demand, and mitigate disruptions, such as misconfigurations or transient network issues.
Test recovery procedures
Automatically recover from failure
Scale horizontally to increase aggregate system availability
Stop guessing capacity
Manage change in automation

Democratize technologies
Go global in minutes
Use serverless architectures
Experiment more often
Mechanical sympathy

Cost Optimization
Depending on the need for speed or cost savings, our Engineers identify ways to avoid or eliminate unneeded cost and shift away from suboptimal resources. Over provisioned architectures that don’t take advantage of current best practices can impact the bottom line negatively and be unnecessary. By peeking under the hood Foghorn’s recommendations from a WAF, typically save much more than the cost to carry one out.
Adopt a consumption model
Measure overall efficiency
Stop data center spend
Analyze and attribute expenditure
Use managed services to reduce cost of ownership

Sustainability in cloud computing requires consistent and ongoing endeavors aimed at reducing energy consumption and enhancing efficiency in every aspect of a workload. Foghorn will help maximize the utilization of provisioned resources while minimizing overall resource requirements.
Region selection
Alignment to demand
Software and architecture
Hardware and services
Process and culture
AWS Recommends a WAF
Review Every 6 Months
As an AWS Well-Architected Practitioner Foghorn Consulting is able to execute WAF reviews and help build strategies to help you compare your workload against AWS best practices, and obtain guidance to produce stable and efficient systems so you can focus on innovation and business growth.

A Top-tier AWS Partner Since 2008
Foghorn Consulting is an AWS APN Premier Consulting Partner with DevOps and Security Competencies. Their seasoned Cloud and DevOps Engineers design, build and deploy digital transformations that accelerate innovation in the cloud. Over the last decade they have designed compliant and competition rattling solutions for many of the country’s leading companies.

See if you are eligible for a Complimentary
AWS Well Architected Review
An AWS Well Architected Review is pretty painless, but requires involvement from both business and technical stakeholders. It is performed on a workload-by-workload basis. We usually start with a 2-4 hour workshop where we run through a provocative list of questions. Bring your architecture diagrams, they will be pinned up on the wall and relied on heavily! If you don’t have them, no worries, we’ll work our way through it anyway. We then take away a bunch of information, and sometimes some read-only credentials if you’d like us to take a look in the account and make sure the info we gather is in line with reality.

We compile the information
into 2 main deliverables:
1) Detailed Score Card, and
2) Remediation Recommendations. The remediations are your roadmap to becoming Well Architected.
What Does “Well Architected” Mean?
The term “well architected” means that your AWS system’s architecture was crafted using the best practices noted by Amazon in their Well Architected Framework. It includes several constructive checkpoints for developers to follow when constructing cloud-based architecture, each of which are intended to increase the likelihood of business success. The framework also signifies that its practitioner is up-to-date on the most recent changes to the AWS ecosystem.